Monday, February 7, 2011

Zoe Much Drama!

I love shoes... and when I say that, I mean I won't go out for several weekends so that I can save up money to buy a good new pair of shoes.
Well, I'd been a very good girl (money-saving wise) when I spotted the Zoe's back on so, I decided to do some more digging around and arrived at ... where not only could I order the Zoe's in my size, but I could also get a discount ($20 USD, but who cares ... it's dinner for one).
So I ordered them and I went around the house with a stupid grin on my face for some time ... until I noticed that there was a new email in my inbox. Oh noooo!! The order WAS CANCELLED! Perhaps because my mom's credit card (mine was unceremoniously taken away and cut in half by the parents) is Mexican. Yep, even websites are discriminative (jk!)
Obviously, I got up bright and early on Saturday (meaning: 11:00am) and called up and asked why, oh whyy, had my payment not been accepted. Turns out the problem was, in fact, that mommy's card isn't from the U.S. Talk about discriminative, no? That poor card has done nothing but nice things for the U.S. economy :( She suffered unjustly (but my dad gloated). In the end I had to call my grandfather and ask him for his credit card number ... so, after all the drama, I went into the page and they were out on size 7s! #WTF
It was only, literally, a couple of hours
So I just went back to and now, THE ZOE'S ARE ON THEIR WAY TO ME! At last!!

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